Thursday 3 December 2020

10 Simple Techniques To Optimise Your Website

 [caption id="attachment_1579" align="alignnone" width="1049"]seo how to increase ranking of your site[/caption]

Website ranking or Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can be quite complicated. Everyone wants their website to rank on page one of the popular search engines, but it is a bit of a black art. Follow these 10 easy tips to get your site off to a good start.

1. Do Proper Keyword Research

Try and find the best keywords for your niche and use just three or four sitewide. Using googles keyword tool, you want to check for keywords that get between 10 and 50 thousand searches per month.

2. Buy A Domain With Your Keyword In It.

When you buy a domain, only buy one with your keyword in the domain name. Always choose domain if possible, Don't go sites as they are sometimes considered as spam sites by search engines.

3. Keep Your Content Fresh And Updated

Search engines love websites that constantly update their content and this will immensely help your website ranking. If you have a blog try and post to it at least two to three times per week if not daily. That way search engines can see that it's providing fresh information and will rank it more highly.

4. Share Your Content On Social Media.

Share all your content on social media as that will get loads of back links to your website. Be sure to use the main keywords you want your site to rank for when interacting on Social media. If you upload videos to YouTube or any other video sharing website, include the keyword in the filename, the description and your headings. Videos are massive at the moment and when correctly optimised will have a huge effect on your website ranking.

5. Get Back Links To Your Website

Back links are links to your site from other websites. Search engines love back links because they show that a site is popular. Beware of using Blackhat techniques. Search engine algorithms are very clever and can sniff out these website ranking techniques from a mile off.

There's a number of legitimate ways you can get back links such as trading links with other websites, submitting articles to article directories, commenting on forums, commenting on blogs to name just a few. When commenting always give good comments that add value and try and find blogs with high traffic and page rankings.

6. Speed Of Your Website

This is something that search engines are taking a lot more notice of now, and will form part of your page rank. Page load time is critical; if your page takes 5 seconds to load you need to optimise it to load faster, to help your website ranking. Your webmaster should be able to help you with this.

7. Structure of website

Search engines love blogs which is one of the reasons why so many internet marketers have them. WordPress is by far the most popular and there are loads of plugins available to optimise your WordPress blog even further. Make sure your blog has a sitemap as that gives the search engines a clue as to the structure of your website.

8. Meta Data

Put keywords in all the areas of your site that you're able to without stuffing your pages with them. You should have keywords in your meta description and keyword tags, titles, headings, images and videos.

9. Check The Competition

Check what keywords your competitors sites are ranking for. Sites like Alexa can give you valuable insights into the most popular keywords of your competitors. If you know what keywords they're using, why not use those as well to improve your website ranking.

10. Provide Valuable Content

Give your readers or visitors your website something that will make them want to come back and visit your site again. The more valuable and targeted information for your niche you can give visitors, the more likely they are to link to your website. Good content is an often overlooked but extremely valuable way to get back links to your website.

There are many ways to optimise your site for good search engine website ranking. These are just a few, but are all very simple to implement.

11. Get Some Great seo


Tuesday 3 November 2020

7 SEO Tips to Follow in 2020

 The world of Search Engine Optimisation has been changing since the advent of the internet. With the evolution of search engine algorithms and change in consumer behavior, marketers are trying to come up with new methods to face new challenges. If you want to stay ahead of the competition in 2020, we suggest that you implement the most recent strategies. In this article, we are going to discuss 7 SEO tips that you may want to follow for better SEO.

#1: Image Link Building

Image link building refers to photos that you find on other websites that link back to your site. Typically, these photos are downloaded from your website and uploaded on a different website. If someone has used your photo on their website without linking back to you, you can send them an email request for a backlink. This will be a win-win deal for both of you.

#2: Landing Pages should be Relevant

Make sure that the home page of your website provides relevant content for online searches. It is not a good idea to rank for a list of keywords just to attract traffic. Your home page content will be of no use if it does not meet the needs of target users.

In other words, you may want to incorporate relevant keywords and phrases to your landing page content. Uploading misleading content on your website is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

#3: Work on your Metadata

You may want to review your meta-data to make sure it contains relevant keywords. Apart from this, the text in the metadata should be appealing. However, you may not want to stuff keywords as this can have a negative impact on your rankings.

#4: Your Web Pages should Load Quickly

Around two years back, Google announced that it will consider page speed when ranking web pages. Therefore, what you need to do is make sure that all of your web pages should load quickly. If they take ages to load, the user experience will be negatively impacted.

#5: Keywords vs Content Themes

You may want to focus on content themes rather than keywords. In other words, you may want to create content that will create user interest. Comprehensive articles contain different variations of the primary phrases and keywords.

#6: Mobile Matters

Today, most people search the internet on their mobile phones. Therefore, Google gives more weight to websites that are optimized for mobile devices, such as mobile phones and tablets. Therefore, make sure that your website opens well on mobile devices as well.

#7: Work on Titles and Subtitles

The blog posts and articles you publish on your website should consist of titles and subtitles. The length of your article should also be optimized. The content should provide answers to the questions of users. This is enough for better ranking on search engines.

Friday 30 October 2020

The Easiest Ways of Online Earning

  This is the fact that Internet has opened the new vistas for the people worldwide. Now people do not have to struggle more and more in order to fulfill their social and economic needs. They can now work at their homes via computers and can make big money online. One of the most fascinating aspects is that most of the children and grownups have adopted internet as a way of their livelihood recently. The truth of the matter is that there are many easiest ways through which one can generate big online earning.

The very first way is called as web content writing. Truly speaking, it is amongst the most competitive and fascinating fields to make big money today. However it needs your in-depth knowledge, imaginative power, and creativity so that you may be easily able to produce unique content for the corporate websites.

Second most riveting method is called as search engine optimization through which you can surely generate a lot of returns immediately. It is a great internet marketing technique which can help you to boost up the traffic of corporate website within a short time.

On the other hand, one can earn more and more with the help of cost per action (CPA) technique. Really it is amongst the most efficient ways of earning in most recent times. Next most lucrative method of earning is called as link building that can surely help you to generate organic traffic of the corporate websites on major search engines like Google, Bing, Ask, Yahoo, and so on. But for this, one will have to learn two major techniques of SEO involving On Page Optimization and Off Page Optimization.

Then you can do data entry jobs both at home and office. As a result, you will be surely able to make enough money online. Most important thing is that a lot of home based jobs have been opening on the internet these days, so one doesn't have to be bothered about his or her career at all. Besides, there are many other easiest ways of instant online earning involving graphic designing, corporate website development, web hosting, affiliate marketing, blogging, and so on. All you have to do is to become thoroughly professional into these fields so that you could make big money online.